MODEPSA SAC is a 100% Peruvian company dedicated to the manufacture of leggings and other fastening items for the mining, construction and hardware industries. For 50 years we have supplied the various largest and most complex mining and infrastructure projects in the country, collaborating with the most prestigious and demanding national and international companies.
All our products are manufactured with the best raw material on the market.
All our products go through the strictest quality control.
We offer the best After-Sales service on the market, assuming our service responsibly.
We are Manufacturers and we can offer you the product that you need to create.
We select our suppliers through a thorough homologation analysis based on our own standards and ASTM, ANSI and SAE standards.
It is made up of two production lines, one forging and the other for automatic presses.
All our products go through a rigorous and strict quality control based on and respecting the established international technical standards.
(01) 203 8000
Cell phone:
+51 998 325 201
+51 998 364 776
+51 981 134 379
Delta 185, Callao 07006